Unit 1 provides an overview of the Cracking the ABC Code Multisensory Reading Level 2 program. It also recommends assessment tools and discusses how to use the results to determine the most beneficial level for students. CLICK ON THE TITLE TO ACCESS THE LESSON
Unit 2: Learn to Read Series
Length: 35 minutes
Unit 2 discusses the theory underpinning the Cracking the ABC Code Learn to Read series and provides strategies for effectively using these books.
Unit 3: Sound Hearing
Length: 20 minutes
Unit 3 discusses the Sound Hearing book which contains activities associated with teaching auditory processing and phonological awareness to students experiencing difficulties in this area.
Unit 4: First Lesson
Length: 50 minutes
Unit 4 provides step-by-step instructions for implementing the first lesson in the Cracking the ABC Code Multisensory Reading Level 2 programs
Unit 5: Subsequent Lessons
Length: 30 minutes
Unit 5 provides step-by-step instructions for implementing subsequent lessons from the Cracking the ABC Code Multisensory Reading Level 2 programs.
Unit 6: Modifications
Length: 15 minutes
Unit 6 discusses modifications that can be made to tailor the program to meet the needs of individual students who can progress through the Multisensory Reading Level 2 program more rapidly or are experiencing difficulties with the material