The Multisensory Reading Program Level 3 series is designed to teach students to instantly recognise the common graphemes so they are able to rapidly decode familiar and unfamiliar words. Students with dyslexia or other literacy difficulties are then in a position to use their ‘mental energy’ in understanding the text.  It is assumed that students using these books know the basic sound-symbol relationship of the alphabet. The three books in the series cover the same material. However, each book is aimed at students of different reading levels. To view samples Click Here

 Multisensory Reading Program Level 3A is a comprehensive 25 unit program designed as an introductory course for younger students to teach the common graphemes. Consequently, it is recommended for students with a current reading age of 6 years 6 months through to 7 years.

Multisensory Reading Program Level 3B condenses the Level 3A material into a 12 unit program and is recommended for students with a current reading age equivalent to 7 years through to 8 years.

Multisensory Reading Program Level 3C is also a 12 unit program, but uses more challenging vocabulary. It is recommended for students with a current reading age equivalent to 8 years through to 10 years.

Click on image to purchase and see e-version sample
Click on image to purchase and see e-version sample
Click on image to purchase and see e-version sample
On-line Reading Level 3 Workshop for Parents
 On-line Reading Level 3 Workshop for Teachers

This is the sequence for 3A and 3B. 3A only covers one phoneme each week instead of two. 3C covers the same phonemes, but in a slightly different order.

Unit 1
ay, a-e, ai=/ay/
er, ir, ur=/er/

Unit 2
ar, a=/ar/
oa, o-e, ow=/oa/

Unit 3
ee, e-e,ea, ie=/ee/
oy, oi=/oy/

Unit 4
ow, ou=/ow/
or, au,aw=/or/

Unit 5
oo, u=/oo/
ie, i-e, i=/ie/

Unit 6
y=/ee/, /ie/, /i/
ge, gi, gy=/j/

Unit 7
ce, ci, cy=/s/
ew, oo, ue, ui, u-e=/ue/

Unit 8
ph, gh=/f/
ti, ci, si=/sh/

Unit 9
ou, o, a=/u/
are, air, ear, ere=/air/

Unit 10
ch= /ch/, /sh/, /k/
i+vowel= /ie/, /ee/

Unit 11
ear, eer, ere=/eer/

Unit 12
 Silent letters

Click on the images below to find out more about the interlinking sections and to view a sample page.

Rapid Decoding

Phonological Awareness

Click on the book images to purchase.  


Editing Level 2

Editing Level 3

Editing Level 4

Jack:  9 years 11 months

“I can only sing your praises.  Jack has thrived since doing your programme and I believe a lot of it is to do with his confidence which you increased immeasurably due to the success he experienced.”  Nicola (Mother) – Morley

Reading Accuracy Age:  Before:  8 years 8 months  After: 12 years 1 month
Reading Comprehension Age:  Before: 9 years 5 months    After: 11 years 4 months
Spelling Age:  Before: 9 years 4 months   After:  10 years 6 months
Known graphemes:  Before: 17  After: 40
Number of lessons:  12


If you have any questions or need assistance, please send Lillian a message.

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