Teaching Reading

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A very helpful training with clear, step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow and implement. Lots of ideas and modification ideas were given and Lillian is just overall wonderful in her desire to support and help teachers and children. I wish I could give her 10 stars!


The course was helpful to me in many ways. As a tutor it was helpful to gain pointers on the actual delivery of the program. As a classroom teacher it has given me ideas to assist my students who aren't accessing reading at level.
I appreciate the research and evidence behind everything, very reassuring.

Leia Simpkins   

I found this online course very informative and an excellent resource to refer back to. My teaching of the Crackingtheabccode program has been in Level 3 and 4 and I found this course gave me a greater understanding of how the different levels of the program build on each other.

Linda Reedman

Linda Reedman   

Thank-you Lillian for making these courses available and for offering support and being available to answer any questions. The sections of videos showing Lilian implementing aspects of the program are particularly useful. The instructions are detailed and clearly explained. I can imagine I will refer back to my copious notes as I start to implement the program with students.

Karen Beasley   

After doing the CrackingtheABCcode workshop I completed the online-reading level 2 workshop. The online workshop was user friendly and very informative. I am new to the program and have just started some students on level 2 and it has been useful to be able to go back on any points I was unsure of. Watching the videos of Lillian teaching points was really key for me as it made it so clear. I would recommend the workshop and would love to complete more myself.

Andrea Deithe   

This on-line Reading Level 2 Workshop was the perfect supplement to the full-day face-to-face Multisensory Literacy Training. It provided structured and highly practical tips on how to effectively implement the Cracking the ABC Code program with younger students who know very few of the common digraphs. I found the content well organised and easy to access, and the quizzes kept me focused and thinking critically about what I was learning. I'm now looking forward with much anticipation to using level 2A with my first student, and feel well-prepared since completing this course.

Debbie Bassingthwaighte   

Really good content and the notes will certainly help. It’s very prescriptive and I do wonder if I’ll affect the outcome if I don’t do things exactly the same. Can we access the same videos again and again if we need to check up on certain areas?

Janine Ryan   

The course was very informative and very user friendly. I thoroughly enjoyed every unit, particularly the videos that modelled parts of lessons. I enjoyed the attention to detail and I can't wait to start working on the program with my students. Thankyou Lillian for developing this program. As a retired teacher with many years of experience working with students with learning difficulties this program is wonderful and goes further than other programs.

Carmon McFawn   

A thorough intervention program with a comprehensive approach including parental participation. Dr Fawcett is clearly passionate about helping struggling students to experience success.


An informative and comprehensive workshop. Clear instructions on how to deliver the program with a video demonstration are fantastic additions to the workshop. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Carrie Flux   

Level 2 is another great online unit aimed at students that know their alphabet sounds but not digraphs. The unit is son comprehensive and again, I love the online videos which you can refer back to again and again. Awesome unit Lilian.

Lynda Hamers   

Understanding how to assist students with dyslexia is the current focus of my self-identified, school based, performance plan. I have read, researched and talked to many professionals in the field. I have participated in a few courses to gain a thorough perspective and understanding of the skills and knowledge needed to assist not only students dealing with dyslexia but other colleagues in the school setting (particularly teacher aides) who are required to support students struggling with learning to read, spell and write. Lilian, you have put an immense amount of research and skilled effort into cracking the code for us as educators - thank you. I particularly like your work in that it provides parents with the opportunity to provide intense support over a manageable period of time, something that schools cannot always cater for. The course is so comprehensive and I particularly like the videos. Watching others work is valuable.


I would like to complement Dr Fawcett on putting together an informative and easy to follow set of online modules.
Having used the program personally with my son for the past 18 months I found it invaluable to gain further insight into the research which went into formulating this learning tool. I am excited to continue "cracking the abc code" with my son and many other students.

Caterina Napoli   

A very thorough and informative course. The first unit was loaded with necessary information but delivered a little quickly. Some great examples and explanations provided within each unit of work.

Marie Johnson   

I found this online course extremely helpful and user friendly. It really helped me with the implementation of the program. Lillian is very thorough in the videos and it is great that you can go back and watch them. Also, Lillian's support when you start to implement the course is fantastic! I would highly recommend.

Krissy D   

A fantastic course. The level 2 online workshop allows you to revisit the information and view as well as hear how the program should be implemented. A wonderful way of learning and consolidating the information. Dr Fawcett's step by step, direct and clear delivery through well structured videos enables you to access the information and answer the quiz questions, reinforcing your knowledge. I feel prepared and confident to implement what I have learned with my students. Fabulous!

Author *Karin Lwin   

The on-line Level 2 workshop created by Lillian is an excellent resource that is easy to navigate and packed with information. The six units cover every aspect of the programme in detail. The quizzes at the end of each unit ensure that you really understand the knowledge, skills and understandings that are so important to successfully implementing this programme. It was helpful to be able to watch some parts over again to fully understand the concepts being discussed. I found the explanation of the research behind the programme extremely useful. I appreciated how Lillian promptly answered my emails when I encountered something that needed clarifying. I feel I can confidently teach Level 2 to my students after completing this excellent on-line workshop.

Linda McGovern   

The online course is easy to use, quick and informative. The videos are wonderful visuals and enhance the information Lillian speaks about in the units. The units make a great additional training source and revision after completing the face to face teacher training course.

Jocelyn Saggers   

I appreciated the delivery of information using templates, talking and videos. As a Special Education teacher,I could see the benefits of applying these methods to students with Literacy Difficulties. I found the research to support these practices fascinating. Although I made prolific notes, it is reassuring to know that I can go back into any of the online workshops to clarify information.

Sara Darling   

This course is the most skilfully, thoughtfully and comprehensively designed of its kind I have ever seen. The multi-sensory approach is the key factor for its success; along with the many additional learning resources designed to enhance the speed of student learning. The explicit and easy to understand instructions enable parents and teachers to use the resources successfully. I wish I had access to a course like this when I was in charge of a special education facility in Victoria. Then we could have made a much more significant difference in transforming those young people's lives. Thank you so much for creating such a clear and comprehensive workshop Lillian.

Dr Karen Benn   

A very thorough and informative course. It was great to be able to stop and listen again to the information, if needed. Some great examples and explanations provided. The workshop was easy to use and very informative. I would love to have a transcript of all that is said, however!

Trish Bruhn   

I have thoroughly enjoyed completing this online course. It shows you what resources you need to have for the student as well as how to implement the lessons. The videos allows you to go back and re-watch to reinforce the teaching methods being demonstrated. I feel it has given me the confidence to assist students with their reading. Many thanks Lillian for making these courses available online.

Sue Hunt   

I thoroughly enjoyed completing this online course. It reinforced many vital and basic practices and gave me renewed confidence and enthusiasm. It provides a clear process which can be modified to suit individuals-outstanding!

Kerri-Laurae Corey   

At last a course that fills the gap for those students with processing difficulties that "Multilit" and "Letters and Sounds" don't quite address. A detailed course that can be - and needs to be referred to regularly as one gains a thorough understanding of the well thought out methodology created by Dr Fawcett.

Judy Sakalidis   

....its a YES from me, with thanks too, I'm always on the lookout to improve my practice and this is a sound format - a lot to take in, so I appreciated the different stages throughout Level 2.

Mary Louise Parker   

This course goes into great depth and clarified many questions I had about implementing the Level 2 program. The ability to watch the different activities demonstrated has given me greater confidence when working with children and discussing the program with parents. After taking copious notes throughout, I now have a resource that I can refer to, to refresh my memory if needs be! Thankyou Lillian for creating such an excellent resource.

Anita Pringle   

I completed the full day introductory workshop and then followed it up with the online workshops. They are informative, easy to use and explain everything in a very straightforward manner. Thanks Lillian for making these available.


I found the course to be very detailed and informative. It was full of very useful information and step by step guides on how to support learners with literacy difficulties. The supporting resources are fantastic and I plan to use them in my future teaching. Thanks Lillian!

Liz G   

Having completed the full day Level Three workshop I was inspired to go further and attempt The online Level Two Workshop. Level Two was very informative and structured to precision. I appreciate the research and evidence-based expalnations, which have cleared up some critical questions I had about why some of my students were not progressing. The multisensory strategies just make sense and I am already implementing elements of the program with great success.
Yelda Talic


A comprehensive course based on research-based evidence and what is obviously effective literacy practice. Each slide of the online course is packed with useful information that I definitely know I will refer to time and time again. The ‘Cracking the ABC Code’ is structured to enable the elements of effective reading instruction to continue beyond the one hour of specialised instruction. The programme is highly structured and systematic in its delivery and parents are trained to continue with daily, targeted support. In this way, robust consolidation helps the struggling reader become a confident reader. Dr Lillian Fawcett has designed a program that promotes success!

Lois Nunes   

This was an easy to follow on line course. I really liked that it was broken down into smaller videos which made it easy to squeeze in when i had a spare half an hour or so!


The online course includes a step by step approach to implement the Level 2 reading program, complete with videos which help cement relevant teaching methods. Lillian provides evidence-based research to support the multisensory structured approach and is always happy to provide support. I highly recommend.

Anna T   

Another wonderful presentation, building on the first level. I found the workshop user friendly and I appreciate the amount of research and evidence that you have used in developing these programs.


This course was very informative and easy to follow. I appreciate the attention to detail. I have gained more confidence in implementing what I have learned, when I am working with my students.

Wilma Hilhorst   

Thanks, Lillian for producing such a user friendly on line course. The six units were presented clearly with some video clips of the sections in action. This really made the course 'real'.
Each unit covered the key areas and was easy to listen to again for clarification. A truly valuable resource.

Nuala Leslie