Multisensory Reading Program Level 3C


  • Author: Lillian Fawcett
  • Edition: 2nd
  • Publisher: Cracking the ABC Code
  • Format: Paperback book
  • ISBN: 9798615277245
  • Copyright: 2010-2025
  • Pages: 145
  • Scroll down for description and to view an e-version sample 

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The Multisensory Reading Program Level 3C is a 12 unit course designed for students who are having difficulty learning to read, including those with dyslexia. It uses ‘science of reading ‘ principles to systematically introduce the more complex phonemes and their common graphic forms using a multisensory format.

The program consists of 6 interlinking sections:

  • General Knowledge
  • Phoneme and Vocabulary Development
  • Comprehension
  • Oral Reading
  • A chunking activity containing the focus grapheme(s) which teaches students how to break words into smaller units to reduce the load on working memory
  • A phonological processing activity as this is a skill that underpins reading and spelling.

It has been designed so that each section complements and reinforces the other sections, and utilises techniques based on current literacy and memory research.

It is assumed that students know the basic sound-symbol relationship of the alphabet and have some knowledge of the more common digraphs. However, the program uses more challenging vocabulary compared to Level 3B.

It is recommended that students have a reading accuracy age of between 8 to 10 years.

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Weight 480 g


  1. Mia

    My son has responded very well to the program. I can’t believe the change in him. The other day, I took him to the library and got some little chapter books and he took himself to a quiet corner and read for about 20 mins and then wanted to tell me all about the book. I have seen an amazing shift in his attitude and enjoyment towards reading.

  2. Johanna

    We have seen a huge improvement in our daughter who is now able to read independently. In term 1, before commencing the program, she was unable to read the text provided by her teacher to test her comprehension. In term 2, she was able to read the text and received a C grade.

  3. Karen

    My daughter is definitely making great progress with her phonic knowledge. She is also beginning to use syllabification in context with unfamiliar words (e.g., partnered and unsurprisingly) instead of guessing, which is a great relief to me.

  4. Melissa

    Just touching base to say that my son has finished level 3C. In 4 months of work he has improved 3 years and 1 month on the testing. He is literally jumping for joy. He still struggles, but he now has a strong foundation and the tools to move forward with his reading. Your program was the best money we ever spent. We have tried so many things in the past but your program clicked for him and we are truly grateful. So thanks for taking the time to talk me through the program and helping me to navigate it as a parent.

  5. Melissa

    My son is doing amazing with the reading program. He is coming ahead in leaps and bounds and the biggest help has been the syllabification work- I’m super impressed!

  6. Sarah

    The program makes so much sense to me and I can clearly see how it works and why this is so successful for my son compared to everything else we have tried. Thank you!
    I can already see such improvement in how he tackles new words and actually having the confidence to have a go rather than quickly making up a similar sounding word and then moving quickly on. He seems to be really enjoying it too as I think it’s just exactly the right level for him so it’s challenging while being achievable which just boosts his confidence so much.

  7. Judith

    My son is picking up on things quite well with this program. We’re finding it great for going back to basics and almost starting again. The resources flow really well and we’re happy with them.

  8. Vivienne

    I’m loving the book. I have been working through it with my 10 yr old daughter as she needed something to support her. She’s already doing better, focusing on syllables and not just guessing words. She really likes the comprehension activities and this whole resource has been well received by her. I’ve been teaching for 20 years myself and I’m very interested in the multisensory approach.

  9. Tanya

    My son is very positive about the program and I have found it very easy to follow and implement. He is really enjoying it very much.

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