Sample of the Comprehension section: Multisensory Reading Program Level 3

Comprehension 3

1. The comprehension exercises are designed to reinforce the meaning of the words being learned in the previous section. Complete one set of comprehension exercises each day.

Encourage the student to return to the columns of words to find the answer. When the student finds the correct word, identify the letters of the sound being studied and the linking picture (e.g., ‘ay’ for tray). Point out any unusual letter combinations that may make the correct spelling of the word difficult.

An adult should sound out the word as the student writes it down making links back to the key pictures (e.g., complain – com=/c/-/o/-/m/, plain= /p/-/l/-/ai/ as in rain- /n/. You don’t want the student copying the word or writing the word incorrectly as they are not learning anything from these two strategies. However, if an adult sounds out the word they are modelling the process of spelling.

2. These are cloze exercises. Cloze exercises are useful for identifying a student’s knowledge and understanding of the reading process. They help extend the student’s vocabulary, encourage him/her to monitor for meaning and encourages the critical and analytical interpretation of the text. The student should read the sentence saying ‘something’ or a nonsense word like ‘burb’ in place of the missing word.

3. These are definitions. For students to understand text, it is important that they are not only able to decode a word, but also understand the meaning of that word.

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Editing Level 2

Editing Level 3

Editing Level 4

Sarah: 11 years 5 months
“Sarah completed Lillian’s 12 week program. Not only did her reading and spelling improve, but more importantly her confidence went through the roof. She has gone from a reluctant reader to an excited reader.”

Robyn (Mother) – Innaloo WA.

Reading Accuracy Age: Before: 8 years 11 months After: 11 years 7 months
Reading Comprehension Age: Before: 10 years After: 13++ years
Spelling Age: Before: 10 years 3 months After: 11 years 2 months
Known graphemes: Before:37 After: 63
Number of lessons: 12

If you have any questions or need assistance, please send Lillian a message.

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