Multisensory Teaching

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This episode discusses multisensory learning and multisensory integration and then looks at the research around using multisensory strategies to promote learning and how these strategies can be applied to helping students learn to read and spell.

Three Tips for Lowering Anxiety

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Guest writer, Kathryn O’Shea, is an experienced teacher who uses the Cracking the ABC Code programs with students experiencing difficulties with reading, spelling and writing living in Manning, Western Australia and surrounding areas. Anxiety and being easily distracted are common … Continued

Proper Nouns

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When I ask students to define a noun, they will quickly tell me, “It’s a person, place or thing.” At the very least they need to add on ‘or idea’. I would rather that they use the definition: A noun … Continued

Toys for Learning

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Motivating students to practise a sufficient number of times to ensure information is stored in long-term memory can often be challenging. Kerri-Laurae shares the following ideas for helping students remember high frequency words. When students are first learning these words, … Continued