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Level 3 Grapheme Cards

Level 3 grapheme cards

This pack consists of 96 cards: Graphemes, words, coloured pictures and outline pictures. Detailed instructions are provided for playing 9 different games designed to help students practice recognising the different ways that graphemes (letters or combinations of letters) can be pronounced and the different ways that the phonemes (sounds) in English can be written.

The cards can be used in isolation or as a fun method for supporting the Cracking the ABC Code Multisensory Reading Level 3 books.

 Level 3 Grapheme Bingo

Level 3 grapheme bingo

Level 3 Grapheme Bingo comprises 4 sets of 4 playing boards: Graphemes, words, coloured pictures, outline pictures.

Grapheme Bingo can be used as a resource to teach and help students practice recognising the different ways that graphemes (letters or combinations of letters) can be pronounced and the different ways that the phonemes (sounds) in English can be written, either in isolation or in conjunction with the Cracking the ABC Code Multisensory Reading Level 3 books.

Level 3A Cross Sleuth

3A Cross sleuth    3A Cross sleuth answers

Cross Sleuths combine the concept of crosswords with the provision of clues and the concept of word sleuths where the required words are already printed. Each Cross Sleuth 3B links to the vocabulary used in the Cracking the ABC Code Multisensory Reading Level 3A book. Therefore, this activity is a useful strategy for reinforcing this vocabulary and the corresponding digraphs. However, the worksheets can also be used independently.

Level 3B Cross Sleuth

3B Cross sleuth     3B Cross sleuth answers

Cross Sleuths combine the concept of crosswords with the provision of clues and the concept of word sleuths where the required words are already printed. Each Cross Sleuth 3B links to the vocabulary used in the Cracking the ABC Code Multisensory Reading Level 3B book. Therefore, this activity is a useful strategy for reinforcing this vocabulary and the corresponding digraphs. However, the worksheets can also be used independently.

Level 3C Cross Sleuth

Sleuth 3C answers       Sleuth 3C

Cross Sleuths combine the concept of crosswords with the provision of clues and the concept of word sleuths where the required words are already printed. Each Cross Sleuth 3C links to the vocabulary used in the Cracking the ABC Code Multisensory Reading Level 3C book. Therefore, this activity is a useful strategy for reinforcing this vocabulary and the corresponding digraphs. However, the worksheets can also be used independently.


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Editing Level 2

Editing Level 3

Editing Level 4